Simply exceptional dining


E’cco means “here it is” in Italian and that is the philosophy - simple food done exceptionally well. Opened in 1995, e’cco Bistro is a multi-award winning, hatted restaurant and Brisbane institution. Currently located at Haven, Newstead, e’cco maintains its same flare, food and service as its original location.


The Menu

The menu features paired back food that speaks for itself; understated and elegant. e’cco Bistro serves up a progressive style of dining with a focus on coal-grilled meats and vegetables over a South American grill. E’cco also boasts an extensive wine list showcasing a boutique selection of Australian winemakers and many by the glass.

Photo of Grilled lobster on a barbecue with flames at a bistro restaurant in Newstead, Brisbane
Photo of  a beautifully arranged dining table at a restaurant in Newstead, with elegant flowers, candles, and tableware set up for an event

functions & private dining 

E'cco Bistro offers an exceptional and refined setting for a diverse range of private dining, functions, and events. With its thoughtfully designed, versatile, and contemporary spaces, the bistro provides the ideal backdrop for memorable celebrations. Whether you are celebrating a birthday, corporate lunch, engagement or wedding reception, E’cco Bistro is the perfect place to host your event.

Photo of beautifully plated fine dining dishes served on white plates, arranged neatly in a row

Philip Johnson catering

e’cco bistro can cater for a wide range of events, including cocktail functions, corporate celebrations or even private dining at the location of your choice. Let us bring the catering to you. Experience e’cco at home, or in the office with your own personal chef! If you would like to know more, visit the Philip Johnson Catering website.